Meet Kelsey & Tricia

Suzy Plays Guitar includes Minneapolis-based Kelsey Wyrd and Tricia Schweitzer. Their musical duo was born under the shining sun amidst the sweltering heat of summer in 2018

Kelsey Wyrd has a tenacious musical background of piano and bass. Her interest in songwriting and the electric guitar brought her to the reins of Suzy Plays Guitar. Kelsey is the lead guitarist, writing playful solos that bring never-ending magic to the Suzy sound.  

Tricia Schweitzer is a singer, songwriter, and painter. The combined warmth of a beloved acoustic guitar with her sultry voice provides the groundwork of the music. Tricia also has a background of piano where she plays in studio recordings for The Good Cousins.

2019: Suzy performed at the Twin Cities Pride Festival and Women's Week in Provincetown Massachusetts.

2020 was a sad year. 

2021: Performed at Jazz'd Tapas Bar in Savannah, Georgia, at Twin Cities Pride and Cedar Valley Pride. We enjoyed our musical homes, the local wine bars, in the fall and winter. 

2022: Stirring Things Up was recorded at Minnehaha Studios. The Race and Christmas Diamonds recorded with Wild Sound Studios. 

2023: First appearance on TV with WCCO! First performance with the Independent Music Fest in Minnesota; and last but not least, a band trip to the west coast with a performance at Showboat, in Seattle, the Ballard area.

2024: Suzy takes a collaborative approach playing select shows with additional musicians.  First featured appearance on the new North Loop Green.